A selection of books about the human experience, curated by Sydney-based therapist & author, Tammi Miller.

First, We Make The
Beast Beautiful

Sarah Wilson explores anxiety through lived experience and conversations with experts, trying to make sense of her condition in a way that makes those with symptoms feel less alone. Tammi’s copy is annotated and worn, with love.

anxiety • depression • self-healing • acceptance • easy reading

Paperback Therapy

Counsellor, Tammi Miller’s own book. Think of it as Therapy 101, the book to help you deepen your therapeutic strategies and self-understanding until you have the time or resources to see a therapist of your own.

therapist-first person • exercises • australian • anxiety • relationships

The Dopamine Brain

There is a thing as too much pleasure, and Dr. Anastasia Hronis helps you find it in this easy-to-read book that debunks social media talk to help us find purpose IRL.

therapist-first person • exercises • australian • dopamine • pleasure • addiction

Maybe You Should Talk To Someone

Therapist, Lori Gottlieb, takes us on a journey of her own crises and therapeutic experiences, while learning from her clients and the people around her. One of the best depictions of what it’s like to be a (flawed human and) therapist.

therapist first-person • anxiety • relationships • easy reading

The Body Keeps The Score

Trauma specialist, Bessel Van Der Kolk, explores how our bodies hold the stories of our past in this dense but defining therapeutic work of our time. A wonderful read for those who wish to know more about that favourite task from therapists to ‘feel your feelings’.

trauma • somatic therapy • relationships • research

Atlas of the Heart

A dictionary of emotions, peppered with personal insights from researchers. Learning important differences between ‘belonging’ and ‘fitting in’ or ‘shame’ and ‘guilt’ in this beautifully-illustrated book will help you to better express - and manage - your emotions.

emotions • illustrated • relationships • feelings

Safe Space

Exploring what it feels like to take back your power and reclaim your voice as a person of colour, Alyssa shares personal experiences of racism in Australia. An easy and important read for anyone who’s felt belittled - or who has belittled others - as a result of their race.

trauma • acceptance • relationships • identity • easy reading

The Gift Of Therapy

A must read for anyone working in the therapeutic industry or who sees a therapist, this book by icon of the industry, Irvin D. Yalom, beautifully brings to life the ins-and-outs of counselling.

therapist-first person • easy reading • therapy • relationships

The Autist’s Guide to the Galaxy

Flipping the script on common systemic narratives so people with autism can navigate ‘normal people’ - a great read for those with neurodiversity and those without, that puts autistic people in the centre of their own story.

neurodivergence • autism • narrative therapy • activities • illustrations • systems

When we take steps to improve our self-awareness, we’re investing in a happier, healthier future.