What’s the difference between a counsellor and psychologist?
The type of therapist you choose depends on a range of factors. Discover whether a psychologist or a counsellor may be right for you.
Our year of financial wellbeing.
Financial freedom sits at the intersection of mental wellbeing and financial wellbeing.
FY25 is the year we unlock it.
How therapy exercises can help.
Therapy exercises may seem like homework, but actually they can help you learn more about yourself than talk therapy alone.
Fall in love with love.
Valentine’s Day brings a nice reminder to re-focus on the things we love in our life, regardless of whether we’re romantically attached or not.
I wrote a book!
My lifelong dream to publish a book comes true in March 2024, and it’s made that much sweeter because of my ‘why’. Pre-order Paperback Therapy, now.